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True Needs

March 6, 2012

There do not need to be taxes.

There do not need to be jobs.

There does not need to be money.

There does not need to be poverty.

There does not need to be war.

There does not need to be crime.

There do not need to be schools.

There do not need to be prisons.

There do not need to be nations.

There do not need to be corporations.

There do not need to be governments.

There does not need to be religion.

There does not need to be marriage.

There does not need to be pollution.

There does not need to be disease.

There do not need to be deadly technologies.

There needs to be water.

There needs to be air.

There needs to be soil.

There needs to be life.

There need to be forests.

There needs to be food.

There needs to be energy.

There needs to be information.

There needs to be art.

There needs to be science.

There needs to be technology.

There needs to be community.

There needs to be spirituality.

There needs to be love.

One Comment
  1. Drew Honnoll permalink

    I agree yet disagree Dane. Yes, there has to be a better way. And yes, we have screwed this earth up pretty bad. Now, I know you may not agree with me on this but indulge me a momen. I do believe that God is coming back. And heaven will be like this. Yes, it would be very ideal everything you said and yes you have pin pointed basic human needs. Unfortunatly we ALL have an imperfect and greedy sinful nature. I see where it is possible in this life for that to happen. I dunno maybe you threw this out there as food for thought and please dont think I am beeing confrontational. On the contrary. Deep thoughts dude deep thoughts

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